Thursday, May 31, 2012

Part 2 :  It's Your Dog Too! women are often delegated to the role of family dog provider

We often use phrases such as the family dog or family pet, but these terms do not point to the all-too-frequent reality: The family gains the benefits of the work accomplished by the principle caretaker who is typically a woman. 
Since 1995, women have represented approximately 95% of my client base. The majority of call-ins I receive during a radio or television presentation are predominately from women. Why do these programs which help listeners to better understand canine behavior appeal primarily to women. The answer is obvious - in many homes across America; men are relinquishing their canine ownership responsibilities to women.
The following erroneous assumptions men make regarding women are often used to justify their perspection regarding the female sex. Women can no longer allow men the luxury for sustaining the following misguided beliefs.
(See you tomorrow)

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