Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why training with treats; especially while trying to teach a puppy house-training manners, might not be such a great idea. 

Treats are a form of bribery. The mother dog doesn't use treats to train, so why would you? Treat trained puppies will expect a treat for eliminating, but become confused for being reprimanded for eliminating in the home.

Best scenario: Allow a puppy to eliminate outside while on a long leash. Do not look at or praise the puppy while it is performing a natural function. Direct eye contact or verbal praise many be misinterpreted by the puppy as threatening. ( Remember: Mother dog tends to look away from her puppies while they are eliminating. He job is to be vigilant to environmental dangers.) Don't rush the process. Remain outside for several more minutes to provide the puppy additional time to eliminate. Male puppies cannot completely empty their bladders on the first try.