Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Terrible Trend

Before continuing with my previous blog I wanted to interject some information that I believe is pertinent to both men and women who own dogs. I terrible trend is occurring in the dog industry and I will no longer remain silent about my concerns. I will try to avoid "preaching" but doesn't it strike you as odd that so many canine businesses: e.g. veterinarians, kennels, groomers, and doggie day care centers are now offering dog training classes?

This concept would have been laughed at by savvy dog owners just 30-years ago. Why? Because even 30-years ago the American consumer was still somewhat in touch with their dog and nature and dubious about businesses attempting to multitask or offer services outside of their expertise. Corporate greed has contributed to the decline of the skilled worker, the artisan, and the craftsman.  Quality dog trainers, like my mentor Peg Benson, a Shuzthund certified trainer, who retired after being in the business for more than 40-years, are unfortunately also becoming a "thing of the past."  A business card = you can become a dog trainer. No questions asked. No requirements needed,

American ignorance fuels the engine for incompetent dog trainers and provides them with the platform they need to continue to "push their wares" to an unsuspecting and perhaps apathetic consumer. The increased use of prong collars (banned in many European countries), e-collars, and  the ubiquitous group training classes (the one-size-fits-all approach) being offered today bears testament to the decline of a once respected profession.

How else can we explain why so many dog owners today will enroll their treasured pet into less-than-stellar dog training services being offered at some veterinary clinic, groomer, kennel or day care center, but fail to ask, "How can I expect my dog to act predictably in the real world when these classes are taking place in a building?" It defies logic.

How many of these dog trainers are cognizant to the fact that men and women acquire, interact and then train their dogs with different objectives and expectations?  Are you aware that men tend to experience fewer behavioral problems with dogs than do women? Think the dog can't discern the unique psychological and physical differences between a man and a woman? Think again.  Are any of these dog trainers who conduct group training sessions at your local veterinary clinic, kennel, groomer or doggie day care center addressing these concerns. Think again:)

It's your money ... its your dog.

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